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Grid control not holding tag value when not clicking on grid column

I have 7 column grid. Column 3  have cellvalue in combobox and tag value . cellvalue is string and tag in integer . if i change the column 3 value then it hold tag  and if i dont then it hold cellvalue.I need tag value  when i dont click on  column 3.

Thank you.

1 Reply

RU Ragavee U S Syncfusion Team September 2, 2016 08:54 AM UTC

Hi Sharad, 

As we are unclear on your query, can you please share the following details? 

1.       What you actually meant by “cellValue” or “tag”? Is it the field name of the corresponding column? 
2.       Are you using column template feature in your grid? 
3.       Type of editing that you have enabled 
4.       Are you using any adaptor for binding data to grid? If so, mention the adaptor type. 
5.       Clear replication procedure. 
6.       A video demo of the issue. 
7.       Grid rendering code. 
8.       If possible, an issue reproducible sample for our reference. 

Ragavee U S. 

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