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validate on Focus ejMaskEdit

 I use a ejMaskEdit. I would like to make a validation using jQuery validation but on the outfocus ejMaskEdit. And not on a button click in a form.
There are examples with grids.
Could you give me an example to better understand the syntax.
Thank you

<Script type = "text / javascript">

.validator.setDefaults $ ({
ignore []
focusOut: function (element) {
$ (Element) .Valid ();
errorClass: e-validation-error '
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
$ (Error) .insertAfter (element.closest () "e-widget.");

$ ( "# MaskEdit"). EjMaskEdit ({
name: "mask"
inputMode: ej.InputMode.Text,
ValidationRules: {
required: true

ValidationMessage: {
required: "Required value"
width: "120px"
// MaskFormat "",
}); // MaskEdit

</ Script>
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1 Reply

KR Karthik Ravichandran Syncfusion Team September 1, 2016 01:23 PM UTC

Hi Bertrand,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support,
We have analysed your query. We would like to inform you that, the validation occurs on every keyup events in jQuery. It is the default functionality of jQuery validation. We can add the validation for MaskEdit control, please refer the below code snippet 
    validationRules: { required: true }, 
    validationMessage: { required: "Required value" }, 
    inputMode: ej.InputMode.Text, 
    value: "4242422424", 
    maskFormat: "99 999-99999", 
    width: "100%" 
For your convenience we have prepared the sample and it can be available in below link

Please let us know if you have any concerns 
Karthik R


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