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Diagram Crash


We have been using your framework for about 2-3 weeks, we are creating a Node Editor and we have been testing the showcase app "Diagram__Builder_2015" in Windows 10 x64 and Visual Studio 2015.

The exe that appears in the samples runs well however when you try to drag nodes to the grid it crash, we thought that could be an old example but when we try to run the source code from Visual, it crash again when you try to drag a node.

We are sending you this because this could be a issue/bug and we want you to know.

Visual Studio says that the error is "FormatException was unhandled, System.FormatException occurred in PresentationCore.dll".

Also there are some png files missing and the perfomance of the example is not the best.

We are really happy with your product and we wanted to share some feedback to help.


3 Replies

KR Keerthivasan Ramamoorthy Syncfusion Team August 28, 2016 01:33 PM UTC

Hi Grant, 
Reported issue:” Exception thrown when drag a Node from stencil”. 
We have analyzed your query and tested Diagram Builder 2015 sample with perform drag and drop a Node from stencil. We were unable to reproduce the reported issue. We have provided Video to represent this. Please refer to the Video from the following link. 
Product version: 
Keerthivasan R. 

GR Grant August 29, 2016 06:57 AM UTC

Hello again,

That is really strange, we have the same version and i think we use the same version of Windows 10 (We tried it in different computers and it crash everywhere) , here we are sending you the video showing how it crashes and also to see the performance problems when you maximize. Can you send us the Project you have or tell us how to fix it?


Attachment: Diagram_Builder_Crash_34db1b2a.rar

RA Ranjitha Amirthalingam Syncfusion Team August 30, 2016 12:01 PM UTC

Hi Grant,
Thanks for sharing video to represent the issue.
We have analyzed the provided video and found that the only difference between your sample and our’s is the target framework version. We have provided screenshot to represent this. 
Also, we have shared the sample for your reference. Please refer to the sample from the following link. 
Sample Link: 
Ranjitha A. 

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