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Using StackLayout in SfRotator


I'd like to create some from pages inside the Rotator, and I'm using `stackLayout` for this.

            var item = new SfRotatorItem();
            item.ItemContent = new StackLayout
                //HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                //VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                Children =
                    new Label {Text = "f", HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextColor = Color.White, },

The above code doesn't show anything and the page will be empty, please let me know how can I fix it.

Thanks in advanced,

1 Reply

AP Ashwini Paranthaman Syncfusion Team August 22, 2016 06:43 AM UTC

Hi Trinitro, 
As we are a US based business and therefore by law we cannot engage in any commercial transaction with businesses from Iran, we are regretfully unable to help you with this. 
Ashwini P. 

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