Hi Edwin,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We can disable the menu item by using “htmlAttribute” property. “HtmlAttribute” is one of the member in “fields” property. The value specified for the “htmlAttribute” will be included to the corresponding menu item.
We have prepared the sample based on your requirement and you can find the sample under the following location:
In this sample, we have added the “e-disable-item” class value in “htmlAttribute” property. Please refer the below code to define the class value in the “htmlAttribute” in codebehind.
sites.Add(new menufields { id = "11", parentId = 1, text = "Algeria", sprite = "flag-dz",htmlAttr=new html() { Class="e-disable-item"} });</code>
Now during control creation, map it to the “htmlAttribute” in fields as shown below,
<ej:Menu ID="sitemenu" DataIdField="id" DataParentIdField="parentId" DataTextField="text" DataSpriteCssField="sprite" DataHtmlAttributeField="htmlAttr" runat="server"></ej:Menu>
To know more details about properties, methods and events of Menu Component, please refer the following API link,