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Editor Keys Binding dialog Screws up key mapping

I accidentally hit CTRL+B on my keyboard and the "Editor Keys Binding dialog" window appeared. I didn't even know it existed for the Edit Control.
So, trying to figure out how to make it so no end user pops it up trying make the text in the editor BOLD... 
I pressed the "Reset" button.

Now my CTRL+P doesn't work right... it pastes text into the editor. And doesn't open up any of my print commands.

When I create a new project using the editor control, it works fine.

So, how do I "Really restore" the Edit control back to it's original key mapping?


3 Replies

FH Frank Hilton July 17, 2016 05:57 PM UTC


I tried a copy (two copies back) of my app before ever pressing the CTRL+B (to bring up Key Binding)
And low and behold... it does the same thing.

I tried a sample of the chords you sent me... and it doesn't do it.

So, why is me Edit Control not working properly when I press CTRL+P
Why is it pasting into the editor??

I'm puzzled

FH Frank Hilton July 17, 2016 07:50 PM UTC

Well... I took a copy and played elimination of each control on form.
It came down to my own context menu that I applied to the control.
It wasn't the menu itself, but somehow, I had CTRL+P for the shortcut key.

So, because the context menu was linked to the EC, it thought I was pasting!

Sorry, to bother!!!

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team July 18, 2016 06:23 AM UTC

Hi Frank,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We are glad that your problem has resolved. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Venkateshwaran V.R. 

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