such said in the subject, I need to dynamically build from code a Docking Manager with some ContentControls.
For One of the ContentControls that shows dynamically some content based on a grid selected row, I need to bind the Header of said content control to a view model property.
From xaml I write:
syf:DockingManager.Header="{Binding Path = SelectedDocument.DocumentName}">
How can I set this binding from code behind? usually to set a binding from code behind I do the following:
txt.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, vBinding);
Where txt is a Textbox and vBinding is my binding.
In case of the Header property I'm confused because the binding is on the ContentControl but the property is in the DockingManager. does it work like this:
ViewerContainer.SetBinding(DockingManager.HeaderProperty, vBinding);
even if the property is on a different control or do I have to use a different notation?
Thank you in advance