Hi Duncan,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We are unable to reproduce the mention issue “showAddNewRow=true does not show a row however the SAVE button is enabled on the toolbar”. So, please revert us by modifying the sample based on your application along with the replication procedure.
Please share the following details to find the cause of the issue,
1. Please provide the grid rendering code example.
2. Please provide the issue reproduced screen shot.
3. Check whether any script error occurs at developer tools console?
The “showAddNewRow” property of Grid indicates whether to display the added new form by default in grid. The “cancel” button helps to cancel the entered value and it undo the grid state which is the default behavior. Please find the screen shot.
The below screen shot indicates if new value is entered in to grid and if we click “cancel’ icon then edit state will be cancelled.
And Grid maintain its original state when “showAddNewRow” property is enabled
It will enable the new empty edited row at the time of cancel and save operations.
Please find the below attached online documentation and sample link
Isuriya R.