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Column type not working for DateTime axis

We have Charts that have a datetime x-axis with values on the y-axis. Line and Area charts work fine, but Column charts do not render correctly. It seems anything over a days worth of data, and they chart doesn't render.

See example - http://jsplayground.syncfusion.com/zr5bsrlz

This produces a chart with columns for the selected datetimes, but if you uncomment the last object in the series, and then re-plot you will see that the chart doesn't render

Setting the sideBySideSeriesPlacement doesn't seem to make any difference.

Cheers .... Rob.

1 Reply

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team June 22, 2016 01:09 PM UTC

Hi Rob, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. We have analyzed your query and the playground sample attached by you. Last object in the series contains the data in 9th January but all other data in 12th January and also in the sample range and interval is not specified. Interval is automatically calculated in hours. And also we are having 10 series for the chart. Based on the number of series, column width will be calculated. So column is render with very small width and so much of white space is left between January 9th and 12th. In your sample, you have set the columnwidth as 0.05 for every series. So the columns are rendered with 0.05 width which is too small to see. We have set the columnwidth as 1. Now the chart will render like below. 


For see the points clearly, please zoom the chart. Please find the below screenshot. 


In the below link, we have modified and attached sample for your reference.  


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