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Unable to Exporting tree grid data when filered

I have problem,when exporting filtered records from tree grid however it is exporting when no filter is applied.Could you please help me as soon as possible to get sort it out.

1 Reply

JS Jonesherine Stephen Syncfusion Team June 9, 2016 06:55 AM UTC

Hi Jitender, 
We regret for the inconvenience caused. 
We have analysed the reported issue with our sample. We are unable to reproduce the issue. Can you please revert us by modifying the sample based on your application along with the replication procedure? This would be helpful for us to serve you better. 
And we have also prepared a sample with “AllowFiltering” enabled, for exporting with filtered records. 
Please find the code snippet below: 
             .FilterSettings(ft => ft.FilterBarMode(TreeGridFilterBarMode.Immediate)) 
.ToolbarSettings(tool => 
                         tool.ToolbarItems(new List<TreeGridToolBarItems>() 
Please find the Sample from the link below: 
Please find the exported document after filtering the “Plan timeline” task for your reference: 
Disclaimer: We have removed bin and obj folder in the given sample for some security reasons, we must include Syncfusion.EJ and Syncfusion.EJ.MVC dlls to render the Treegrid control which is available in Essential studio installed location. 
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this. 
Jone Sherine P S

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