Hi Kalum,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
Query 1: the value of the selected text has been display in the grid rather than displaying the selected text.
We can achieve your requirement by set the dropdownlist’s selected text value to the args.value in CellSave event of the grid as follows,
<ej:Grid ID="Grid" runat="server" AllowPaging="true">
. . . .
. . . .
<ClientSideEvents CellSave="cellSave" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function cellSave(args) {
if (args.columnName == "EmployeeID") {
//The value has been passed to another column
window.dropValue = args.value;
//changing args.value as selectedText of dropdownlist
var dt = $("#MainContent_GridEmployeeID").data("ejDropDownList");
args.value = dt.selectedTextValue;
</script> |
Query 2: the value has to be passed to another column in the same grid when selecting an item
We can get the selected value of the dropdownlist using args.value property. In the above snippet we have saved the args.value in window.dropValue before saving the cell.
We can pass this value while moving to the next column from current column.
If we misunderstood your requirement please provide us below details about your requirement,
1. In which you need to pass the value to the other column?
2. Screenshot for the display of value and text in the grid.
3. Product version details.
The provided information will help to analyze the issue and provide you the response as early as possible.
For your convenience we have created a sample and the same can be downloaded from the following link,
Gowthami V.