We have an app that uses SfSpreadsheet.WPF. The spreadsheet has been opened in read-only mode, and the following causes reproducible crashes:
- Right click on a cell
- From menu, select "Format Cells" or "Insert" or "Define Name" (pretty much everything except copy/paste)
- App crashes
Initialization of 'Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Spreadsheet.Commands.FormatCellsWindow' threw an exception.
The app crashes and we are not able to get a stack trace from this unfortunately.
If the app does not crash immediately (mostly it does), but when we run with non-debug build it seems to sometimes get further:
- Same steps as before, but choose Format Cells
- If the dialog box opens for formatting, then change something
- Click OK to accept
- App crashes (this time with a good stacktrace)
Stack trace shows - Exception (System.NullReferenceException)
[Syncfusion.SfSpreadsheet.WPF] Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Spreadsheet.Commands.FormatCellsWindow : void OnApplySettings()
[PresentationCore] ...
[Syncfusion.SfSpreadsheet.WPF] Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Spreadsheet.Commands.FormatCellsCommand : void OnExecute(object)
[Syncfusion.SfSpreadsheet.WPF] Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Spreadsheet.Commands.CommandBase : void Execute(object)