void sfCalendar_CalendarTapped(object sender, SfCalendar.CalendarTappedEventArgs e)
{ CalendarInlineEvent eventlist=(CalendarInlineEvent)e.P2.Get(0); // First indexed calendarInline event String subject=eventlist.Subject; } |
P0 = Object sender,
P1 = Calendar calendar,
P2 = ScheduleAppointment selectedAppointment // contains reference of the appointment which is tapped in the Inline view.
public class CustomAppointment : ScheduleAppointment
private int id;
public int ID
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
} |
CustomAppointment scheduleAppointment = new CustomAppointment();
scheduleAppointment.ID = 100; // required unique ID
scheduleAppointment.Subject = "Meeting";
scheduleAppointment.Color = Color.Blue;
scheduleAppointment.StartTime = startTime;
scheduleAppointment.EndTime = endTime;
monthViewSettings.InlineAppointmentTapped += MonthViewSettings_InlineAppointmentTapped;
private void MonthViewSettings_InlineAppointmentTapped(object sender,MonthViewSettings.InlineAppointmentTappedEventArgs e)
var appointmentID = (e.P2 as CustomAppointment).ID; // contains unique ID
schedule.MonthInlineAppointmentTapped += Schedule_MonthInlineAppointmentTapped;
private void Schedule_MonthInlineAppointmentTapped(object sender, MonthInlineAppointmentTappedEventArgs args)
selectedDate = args.selectedDate;
selectedAppointment = args.selectedAppointment;
} |
schedule.Delegate = new ScheduleDelegate();
public class ScheduleDelegate : SFScheduleDelegate { public override void didSelectInlineAppointment(SFSchedule schedule, NSDate selectedDate, ScheduleAppointment appointment) { string appSubject = appointment.Subject; } } |