Hi Geoffroy,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We would like to let you know that, by default the EJMVC DatePicker footer has “Today” as Button Text, you can change this value using ‘ButtonText’ property.
Based on culture specific, only date gets localized but by changing the watermark text and button text with the help of ‘watermarkText’ and ‘buttonText’ properties, you can completely localize the DatePicker UI. Please refer to the below code snippet.
@Html.EJ().DatePicker("datepick").Value(System.DateTime.Now).WatermarkText("enter the date value").ButtonText("current date").Locale("en-US")
var dateObj = $("#datepick").ejDatePicker('instance');
//condition to check Spanish culture and change watermark and button text using dateObj.
if (ej.cultureObject.name == "es-ES") {
dateObj.option({ buttonText: "hoy", watermarkText: "seleccione fecha" })
//condition to check French culture and change watermark and button text using dateObj.
if (ej.cultureObject.name == "fr-FR") {
dateObj.option({ buttonText: "aujourd'hui", watermarkText: "sélectionnez la date" })
} |
For more information, please refer to the below link,
Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.
Francis Paul A