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Problem with ejGroupButton

I am trying out the GroupButton feature using Angularjs.

I have an example at http://jsplayground.syncfusion.com/x1azqirp
I took the "Essential Studio for JavaScript : ListBox - Angular support" as my base jsplayground sample so that the angular references would be there.

I then added  Angularjs code:
                    <div id="groupButton"
but nothing displayed.

I than added a javascript version that used a datasource:
                    <div id="groupButtonDatasource">

I then added a simple javascript version:
                  <div class="control">
                                <th colspan="2" style="padding-left: 30px">Select Appointment View </th>
                                <td class="btnsht">
                                    <div id="groupButton">
None of which will display correctly.

Am I missing something in my code?
Any advice appreciated.


3 Replies

DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team May 23, 2016 06:34 AM UTC

Hi Morgan,   
Sorry for the inconvenience.   
We’ve analyzed your sample in which the “ej.web.all.min” script file referred in the sample is in the older version (   
Since, we have given databinding support for Groupbutton widget only in our latest update (, the sample should have a reference to the latest version of “ej.web.all.min”.    
You can find the CDN link for the latest Syncfusion widgets from the link provided below.   
Also, please note that, the directives in anuglarjs should be used as dash-delimited attributes on DOM elements instead of camelCasing.   
For example:    
ej-groupbuttton – correct   
ejGroupButton  - incorrect   
For your convenience, we have prepared a Groupbutton sample with databinding support. Please check in the JSPlayground provided below.   
Please let us know if you have any further queries.   
Deepa L.   

MO Morgan May 23, 2016 08:14 AM UTC

Thanks very much Deepa L.

That is working fine now

DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team May 25, 2016 04:27 AM UTC

Hi Morgan,  
Thanks for the update.  
We are glad to know that the issue has been resolved on your end.     
Please let us know if you need any further assistances.        
Deepa L.    

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