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Show data of dropdownlist datasource after onChange

in view I have several input controls and two dropdownlist in cascade.
For user it is possible to keyed in values in input controls or if select item from first dropdownlist
get fullfiled input controls with data from datasource of dropdownlist based on selected item (not just value/id properties of dropdownlist filed) .

My question is , is it possible to do that in onSelect event inside view ( withouth calling postback to controller) and if it is please point me how to do it ?


1 Reply

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team May 6, 2016 11:06 AM UTC

Hi Damir,   
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.   
We request you to provide the following details for clear understanding of your requirement   
1.Let us know if you trying to fill other input controls with data based on the value selected from the dropdownlist in cascade. If yes, then what are the values you need to update input elements and how many input elements are placed in that form.    
2.Regarding query "onSelect event without calling postback to controller “do you need client side onSelect event?    
3.What would you like to process on select event in Dropdownlist?    
With the provided information we would be able to understand your requirement better and provide an appropriate solution.  

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