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Rangenavigator with 2 or 3 different y-axis items and details grid

hi, I am using master details concept with 1 x range nav and 2 x details grid (Range navigator is missing in the controls forum list), on your demos page a brief description might be more informative. Some of the demos are also missing the controller code.

with this demo item http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/rangenavigator/rangescrollbar I am trying to do virtual load with scroll-bar (range nav) and also let user see the information in the grid format in 2 details grids. In the first details grid, I am showing revenue, in the second grid I am showing profit loss percentage and sales numbers
  1. how can I show 4 items/lines such as income or revenue, profit/loss, percentage changed from last day (with arrow) and budget.
  2. how can I show more than one scale in the y-axis similar to your other SF graphs like line charts
  3. how can I show more information on hover over over graph line,
  4. link both range nav and and grids - when I click on the on the line in the graph, show the current item in the details grid, or when I click in the details grid then move the range nav to that selection-time/itme in the graph



4 Replies

AB Akbar Basha K M Syncfusion Team May 3, 2016 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Mega, 
Thanks for contacting syncfusion support. Please find the below response, 
Query #1 & 4 Response:. 
We have prepared a sample based on your requirement. Please find the sample under the following location, 
Sample location:http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123906/ze/RangeNavigator-1954529382  
Query #2: how can I show more than one scale in the y-axis similar to your other SF graphs like line charts 
Response: we cannot understand the reported requirement. Could you please provide more information about this. 
It would be more helpful to provide better solution soon. 
Query #3: how can I show more information on hover over over graph line, 
Response: In RangeNavigator we can’t able to show the tooltip for the line series inside the navigator. Only for the slider of the rangenavigator, tooltip is available.  
Please find the below link. It will be more helpful to create rangenavigator control and its functionality, 
Akbar Basha KM. 

ME Megatron May 4, 2016 09:38 PM UTC

Does not compile. old sample

Razor 2.0 and .NET entity 4.0!!

ME Megatron May 4, 2016 11:53 PM UTC

Hi Abkar

In the original range navigator here - http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/rangenavigator/default , it shows the graph but the sample its missing the graph.

  • Its not working onSelected inside range, there is an event for rangechanged, but no event for onSelectedChanged - can you please update to show onSelected
  • Can you please show me how to do this with the the multiple axes like this http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/chart/multipleaxes in range navigator, and then show the link to the grid (looks like there will be 3 divs, is that correct?)
  • What is the relationship between the line/graph inside the rangenav and the actual chart below - is it the same in higher resolution, and please update to the current 4.5.2 with the current versions of the libs so it easily compiles


SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team May 5, 2016 12:01 PM UTC

Hi Mega, 

We have analyzed your queries. Please find the response for your queries below. 

Query1: Its not working onSelected inside range, there is an event for rangechanged, but no event for onSelectedChanged - can you please update to show onSelected
In the range navigator if the selected range is changed, then RangeChanged event will be fired and there is no special event for onSelectedChanged. From RangeChanged event, we can get the selected data of the range navigator. 
Query2: Can you please show me how to do this with the multiple axes like this http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/chart/multipleaxes in range navigator, and then show the link to the grid (looks like there will be 3 divs, is that correct?) 
Currently we are having support for multiple axis in chart. We have modified the sample with chart having multiple axis. 
In range navigator we don’t have support for multiple axis. If this sample does not meet your requirement, then please let us know by adding more details about your requirement. This information will be helpful for us to provide the sample to meet your requirement.  
Query3: What is the relationship between the line/graph inside the rangenav and the actual chart below - is it the same in higher resolution, and please update to the current 4.5.2 with the current versions of the libs so it easily compiles
Range navigator is used to show large set of data.  A smaller range of data from this large collection can be showed in chart/grid, hence the line series in the rangenavigator shows larger data and the line series in chart shows data selected through rangenavigator slider. We have modified the sample in 4.5.2 framework with current versions of libraries. Please find the sample from the below location.  
Please let us know if you have any concern. 

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