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MonthView - Month changed event

Hello there,

I need to do some async calls when the user change's the month (swipe right/left), so I can populate some appointments.. Does anybody know if is there any event fired when that happens?

Sorry for the poor english, not my native language. 

Also, the Sfschedule page (https://www.syncfusion.com/products/xamarin/schedule)  is unavailable  :)


1 Reply

SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team April 26, 2016 12:22 PM UTC

Hi Guilherme, 
Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 
VisibleDatesChanged Event can be used to achieve your requirement. For that please refer the below code snippet. 
    SfSchedule schedule = new SfSchedule(); 
    schedule.ScheduleView = ScheduleView.MonthView; 
    schedule.VisibleDatesChangedEvent += schedule_VisibleDatesChangedEvent; 
  //VisibleDatesChanged Event  
  void schedule_VisibleDatesChangedEvent(object sender, VisibleDatesChangedEventArgs args) 
Please let us know for further assistance. 
SfSchedule Page unavailable issue:  
We have already noted this issue. We will resolve the issue and page will be available within 1st week of May, 2016. We appreciate your patience until then. 
Swathi G 

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