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Drop destination is not highlighted on hover when cube selection changed

Testing here: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/olapclient/localization
If you change the cube, the highlight does not happen anymore.
See attached video.

Attachment: highlightnotworking_b84f5dd4.rar

2 Replies

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team April 15, 2016 08:18 AM UTC

Hi Joberto,


Thank you for using Syncfusion products.


We have confirmed that the issue with “AxisElementBuilder region doesn't gets highlighted while dropping any member” is a bug and we have logged an issue report in our database. The fix will be available in our Volume 1 Service Pack 1 release which is estimated to be rolled out by the end of April, 2016.


Ramesh G.

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team May 4, 2016 11:48 AM UTC

Hi Joberto, 

We are glad to announce that our Syncfusion Essential Studio 2016 Volume 1 Service Pack release v14.1.0.46  is rolled out and the fix for the issue - AxisElementBuilder region doesn't gets highlighted while dropping any memberhas been included in this version. Please find the following link to download the latest version of Essential Studio. 
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 
Ramesh G. 

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