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Tough Tricky javascript question with array and random funtion

I got a tricky javascript question relating to random function and arrays, which I have ask around but no one seems to understand or able to solve.
For testing purpose, a fixed number value is hardcoded to the variable.
I would like to achieve the following result:
- 12 black stay fixed on "b" spot
- Followed by 53 red to be random place within only the 'r' spots on refresh or button click
('r' spot is every 3 row, first 15 box)
- Unfilled 'r' spots + rest of unfilled box fill with lightblue = 19, lime = 34, yellow = 17, pink = 42, green = 102 random position on refresh or button click
There should be no unfilled box
I trying my luck here, see who can solve it.

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