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Data binding approaches: Local data vs Remote data locally


there are two data binding approaches in the autocomplete control:

1) Local data: Pass all data immediately in Controller (ViewBag approach). 
2) Remote data: Dynamically get data based on query from external source (which in this case is a local JsonResult method)    

Is there any significant difference in performance and maintainability between those approaches?
I think, that if there is just a few data entries, than the first approach is definitely better. 
But what if we have a huge amount of data entries? How big it should be, so that second approach would become better? 


1 Reply

KC Kasithangam C Syncfusion Team March 29, 2016 01:24 PM UTC

Hi Dmytro,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.

Query1: Is there any significant difference in performance and maintainability between those approaches?

Based on the loading time and amount of data, we can maintain the performance of autocomplete.Please find the below table for loading time of autocomplete data via local data and remote data.

In this local data we can provide extensive databinding support to populate autocomplete items

We can bind the data for the Autocomplete from any server that is located as a remote web service. By using query options, you can pass the query string to filter the data that helps to avoid rendering the excessive data.

While passing data via local it fetch the result from local and process in javascript.
While using remote data, it automatically fetch the data from server and load in autocomplete.Based on the fetch result,the loading time of data is difference.

Query 2: what if we have a huge amount of data entries? How big it should be, so that second approach would become better? 

To load the large amount of data in autocompelete and the best approach is loadondemand option.While typing char in autocomplete, then you can load the large amount of data in the autocomplete.We have prepared the sample based on this and please find the sample from the following location:

Sample: Sample

In this above sample, we have generated the data in codebehind and bind it to the autocomplete datasource.

Please let us know if you have further query.



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