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RichTextEditor - body style


I would like to remove default formating for RTE. If i create blank document everything is alright. But when I want to edit it RTE insert before my code this html and broke all my formating. 

<html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style>html,body{height:100%;width:100%;} body{font-family:Times New Roman,Times,serif;display:inline-block;}.e-rte-table caption{border: 1px solid;border-bottom:none}body{color:#5C5C5C;margin: 0px;text-indent: 8px;}</style></head><body autocorrect="off" contenteditable="true">

Is it possible to disable this? Or just disable <style>...</style> section?

Thanks for your reply.

1 Reply

AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team March 3, 2016 11:27 AM UTC

Hi Jan,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query :  “I would like to remove default formating for RTE. Is it possible to disable this? Or just disable <style>...</style> section?”
You can achieve this by triggerring RTE create function and insert a required HTML into the document element.

Please find to the below code snippet:




Html.EJ().RTE("rteSample").Width("100%").Height("380px").ClientSideEvents(e => e.Create("RTEcreate")).Render();


<script type="text/javascript">

    function RTEcreate(args)


        var rteInstance = $("#rteSample").data("ejRTE");

        // Insert HTML tag

        rteInstance.getDocument().documentElement.innerHTML = "<head></head><body>RTE sample</body>";




We have prepared a sample to meet your requirement. Please find the sample from the link: :  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123268/ze/MVCsample527264439

Note: If you remove default styles in RTE document, you will see the below cases :
            1).In dark theme, RTE contents will not be shown because of removed body color  (
body{color:#5C5C5C;margin: 0px;text-indent: 8px;}).
            2). Border will not be applied when using table caption because of removed caption border (
.e-rte-table caption{border: 1px solid;border-bottom:none}) .
            3). Body height is considered and calculated based on inner content because of removed body height (
            4).Font family dropdown will not be selected initially because of removed default font family (
body{font-family:Times New Roman,Times,serif;display:inline-block;}) .

Please let us know the complete issue details, so that we can analyze more and provide an efficient solution.

Arun P

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