Hi Stefan,
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are unable to reproduce the reported installation at our end. We are able to install the Syncfusion setup successfully in Windows 10 installed machine.
After analyzing the log file you have shared, we came to now that WPF installation was completed successfully in your machine. We suspect that the installer might have stopped at Installing Prerequisites action.
Installing prerequisites setup will be last action of Essential Studio installation. Hanging in this action will not affect the installation. You can start your development and run the samples from Dashboard using the Syncfusion Essential Studio.
However in order to check the reported issue, please follow the below steps and share us the log files.
1. Download and extract the Prerequisites.zip from the following link.
http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123267/ze/Prerequisites966229053 2. Run the Prerequisites.exe
3. A folder named “PrerequisitesLog” will be created in the same location.
4. Please compress that folder and share us the zip file. It would be much helpful for us to analyze the reported issue.
Manivannan S.