Hi Remi,
At Present there is no support to Print or exporting the Gantt chart. So we have already logged a feature report regarding this. A support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
Mahalakshmi K.
toolbarSettings: {
showToolbar: true,
toolbarItems: [
toolbarClick: toolbarclick
function toolbarclick(args) {
var id = $(args.currentTarget).attr("id");
this.exportGrid = this["export"];
if (id == "GanttContainer_excelExport") { this.exportGrid('http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejServices/api/Gantt/ExcelExport', "", false);
args.cancel = true;
} |
function updateGanttSize() {
var ganttObj = $("#GanttContainer").ejGantt("instance"),
toolbarHeight = $("#GanttContainer_toolbarItems").outerHeight(),
model = ganttObj.model, width, totalLen = 0,
treeObj = ganttObj._$treegridHelper.ejTreeGrid("instance");
var treeWidth = $("#ejTreeGrid" + ganttObj._id + "e-table").outerWidth() + 1,
chartWidth = $("#ganttviewerbodyContentejGanttChart" + ganttObj._id).outerWidth() + 2;
totalLen = treeObj.getExpandedRecords(model.updatedRecords);
//To calculate the height of Gantt as per records count
var height = model.rowHeight * totalLen.length + treeObj.getHeaderContent().height() + toolbarHeight + 2,
width = treeWidth + chartWidth + 9;
//Resizing Gantt and update splitter bar position
var sizesettings = { height: height.toString(), width: width.toString() },
splitterSettings = { position: treeWidth.toString() };
ganttObj.setModel({ "sizeSettings": sizesettings, "splitterSettings":splitterSettings });
} |