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ColumnSeries Chart disappear after showing the tooltip with the column value


I don't know why but setting the ToolTip enable for my column data is causing the entire chart to disappear. Here's my code to load the Chart Columns:

In my Fragment:

var chartService = Mvx.Resolve<IChartService> ();

frame_basket = view.FindViewById<FrameLayout> (Resource.Id.frame_basket);
frame_basket.AddView(chartService.GetBasketSizeColumnChart(this.Activity, IndicatorsVm.BarsData.ElementAt(0)));

The GetBasketSizeColumnChart function is defined:

#region GetBasketSizeColumnChart

        public View GetBasketSizeColumnChart (Context context, CurrentMonthIndicator indicator)
            SfChart chart = new SfChart(context);

            chart.Legend.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            chart.Legend.ToggleSeriesVisibility = true;
            chart.Legend.DockPosition = ChartDock.Bottom;

            CategoryAxis categoryaxis = new CategoryAxis();
            categoryaxis.LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.BetweenTicks;
            categoryaxis.Title.Text = indicator.Name;
            chart.PrimaryAxis = categoryaxis;

            // Calculate the numerical axis
            var max = System.Math.Max(indicator.RealValue, indicator.TargetValue);

            NumericalAxis numericalaxis = this.GetNumericalAxis (max);
            chart.SecondaryAxis = numericalaxis;

            // Real data
            ColumnSeries columnSeries1 = new ColumnSeries();
            columnSeries1.Label = context.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.sales_indicators_real);
            columnSeries1.LegendIcon = ChartLegendIcon.Rectangle;

            var dataReal = new ObservableArrayList();
            dataReal.Add(new ChartDataPoint(context.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.sales_indicators_real), (double)indicator.RealValue));
            columnSeries1.DataSource = dataReal;

            // Target Data
            ColumnSeries columnSeries2 = new ColumnSeries();
            columnSeries2.Label = context.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.sales_indicators_target);
            columnSeries2.LegendIcon = ChartLegendIcon.Rectangle;

            var dataTarget = new ObservableArrayList();
            dataTarget.Add(new ChartDataPoint(context.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.sales_indicators_target), (double)indicator.TargetValue));
            columnSeries2.DataSource = dataTarget;


            columnSeries1.TooltipEnabled = true;
            columnSeries2.TooltipEnabled = true;

            return chart;


Once the animation of the tooltip finished the chart is reloaded somehow with no data.
Am I doing something wrong?

I have attached couple of images with the results.

Attachment: Archive_33fda386.zip

3 Replies

MS Mohamed Samsudeen K S Syncfusion Team February 25, 2016 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Ramón,

We are unable to reproduce the issue with the provided details. We have created a sample and attached for your reference.


If the issue still persists, then please provide us the modified sample to validate the issue.

Samsudeen K S

MS Mohamed Samsudeen K S Syncfusion Team February 25, 2016 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Ramón,

We are unable to reproduce the issue with the provided details. We have created a sample and attached for your reference.


If the issue still persists, then please provide us the modified sample to validate the issue.

Samsudeen K S

MS Mohamed Samsudeen K S Syncfusion Team February 25, 2016 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Ramón,

We are unable to reproduce the issue with the provided details. We have created a sample and attached for your reference.


If the issue still persists, then please provide us the modified sample to validate the issue.

Samsudeen K S

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