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Treeview: Finding the TreeNode under the mouse cursor

The VB6 TreeView control had a HitTest method returning a node for an (x,y) pair. Anyone know how to get from coordinates to a TreeNode in the .NET TreeView? I can't see it. Thanks -Jeremy Pardoe-

2 Replies

JP Jeremy Pardoe October 4, 2002 05:19 PM UTC

Sorry, this was a dumb question. The answer is the GetNodeAt method of the TreeView. Do't know how I missed it.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 24, 2003 08:48 AM UTC

> The VB6 TreeView control had a HitTest method returning a node for an (x,y) pair. Anyone know how to get from coordinates to a TreeNode in the .NET TreeView? I can't see it. > > Thanks > > -Jeremy Pardoe-

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