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Possible bug in PivotGrid Paging


It seems PivotGrid paging has a bug 
1. Use JavaScript\olapsamples\sample_2015.sln from downloaded samples
2. add to PagingService.svc  in CreateOlapReport 
DimensionElement dimensionElementRow1 = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Customer", HierarchyName = "Customer" };
dimensionElementRow1.AddLevel("Gender", "Gender");

MeasureElements measureElementColumn = new MeasureElements();

3. open PivotGrid Paging sample in browser (azure/pivotgrid/olap/paging)
Empty grid will be shown

It seems it because olapReport has 2 series element with same Name or HierarchyName 

Using Sql Trace we found some problem in generated query ( query generated from samples will be different but we assume problem is same)
[4d3bfd6d-d89a-487a-b5a9-348689f2db58] as SUBSET({  NONEMPTY( VISUALTOTALS( ({{({ [Rated Driver].[Age].[Age].CHILDREN })}}) )   VISUALTOTALS( ({{({ [Rated Driver].[Sex].[Sex] })}})

Run query on analysis services
and get error 'Query (3, 393) The CHILDREN function expects a member expression for the 1 argument. A level expression was used.'
[Rated Driver].[Age].[Age] , it seems [Age] is generated twice

Sorry for bad english

1 Reply

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team February 9, 2016 09:16 AM UTC

Hi Olegl,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have created an incident to log a issue report on behalf of you. Our support engineer will assist you through incident. We request you to follow with the incident for further details.


Ramesh G.

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