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Ability to give expand/collapse nodes focus


Would it be possible to add the ability to give the expand/collapse nodes focus via the keyboard please?

Thanks for reading.

1 Reply

BM Balaji Marimuthu Syncfusion Team January 26, 2016 09:57 AM UTC

Hi Greg,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

Yes, we can able to focus the expand/collapse nodes in Grid using the jQuery focus method. Refer to the sample and code example as below.
Sample: http://jsplayground.syncfusion.com/l4tw4v2s

<script type="text/javascript">


        $(document).on("keydown", function (e) {

            if (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 74) { // j- key code.

                $("#Grid").focus();  //focus grid



        $("#Grid").on("keydown", function (e) {

            var obj = $("#Grid").ejGrid("instance"), cell;

            if (e.shiftKey) {

                if (e.keyCode == 68) { //shift+D

                    var ele = obj.getContentTable().find("td[class^='e-recordplus']"); //grouping

                    //var ele1 = obj.getContentTable().find("td[class^='e-detailrow']");  //if use detail template or hierarchy

                    $(ele[0]).attr("tabindex", 0);





Please find the keys to focus expand/ collapse node.

Grid focus
Alt + j
Expand/Collapse node
Shift + d

If you want to perform the Expand and collapse operation using the keyboard, we have a default support. So please refer to the demo and documentation in following link.

Demo: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/grid/KeyboardInteraction

Document: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/grid/accessibility

Balaji Marimuthu

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