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Programatically Update Grid Filtered Rows While in Batch Edit Mode

I have several questions regarding using the Grid control.

1)  I have a Grid that is in batch edit mode and I would like to make it easier to update all of the values in a particular column to the same value for whatever rows are currently filtered. In the very simplified example below, I have a grid which displays account information. Each account has a discount % column. I would like for the user to be able to filter the grid for, say, the accounts in a particular city, and then be able to apply a 5% discount to all of the customers.  In the example I have simple text field where the user can enter the discount percent and a button that when clicked will update all of the filtered row values - however; this does not work.  In the example below after calling refreshContent all of the original values are retrieved from the server. Without doing the refreshContent - the grid values are not updated on screen; and the grid doesn't appear to know that the values have changed (i.e. the save & cancel toolbar buttons are grayed out).

2) What is a good way to display/edit columns which have percentage values? I have tried applying a format. However, when you try to edit a row it doesn't like the percentage sign and instead of being able to enter 50% you have to enter 0.5 and if you mistakenly enter 50 then the value is converted to 5000%.

Thanks, Jeff

        .Datasource(ds => ds.URL(@Url.Action("BatchDataSource")).BatchURL(@Url.Action("BatchUpdate")).Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor))
        .EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowEditing().EditMode(EditMode.Batch); })
        .FilterSettings(filter => { filter.FilterType(FilterType.Excel); })
        .Columns(c =>
            c.Field("DiscountPercentage").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).ValidationRules(v => v.AddRule("number", true).AddRule("range", "[0,1]")).HeaderText("Discount %").Add();

        }).ToolbarSettings(toolbar =>
            toolbar.ShowToolbar().ToolbarItems(items =>

<input type="text" id="discountPct" value="0.0"/>
<input type="button" id="btnSetPercentage" onclick="onButtonClick()" value="Update Filtered Rows"/>

        function onButtonClick() {
            var discountPct = parseFloat($("#discountPct").val());
            if (discountPct >= 0 && discountPct <= 1) {
                var gridObj = $("#Orders").data("ejGrid");
                var rows = gridObj.getFilteredRecords();
                for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                    rows[i].DiscountPercent = discountPct;
                // this looks like it refreshes the data from the server

3 Replies

SS Seeni Sakthi Kumar Seeni Raj Syncfusion Team January 4, 2016 02:04 PM UTC

Hi Jeffrey,

Query #1: I have a Grid that is in batch edit mode and I would like to make it easier to update all of the values in a particular column to the same value for whatever rows are currently filtered.

Through the setCellValue(), we can update the each and every record of a particular column. Refer to the code example.

<input id="filter" type="text"></input>

@Html.EJ().Button("ClickMe").Text("Change Content").ClientSideEvents(e => e.Click("btnClick"))


          . . .


        .FilterSettings(filter =>




        .ToolbarSettings(toolbar =>

        { . . . . .


        .Columns(col =>



             . . .. . .






    function btnClick(args) {

        var val = $("#filter").val();

        if (val == "")


        var obj = $("#GridSample1").ejGrid("instance");

        if (typeof val == "string" && $.isNumeric(val)) {

            val = parseFloat(val);


        for (var i = 0; i < obj.model.currentViewData.length; i++) {

            obj.setCellValue(i, "EmployeeID", val)//updating each cell of employeeID column


Query #2: What is a good way to display/edit columns which have percentage values? I have tried applying a format. However, when you try to edit a row it doesn't like the percentage sign and instead of being able to enter 50% you have to enter 0.5 and if you mistakenly enter 50 then the value is converted to 5000%

Through editTemplate of the columns, we can render the ejPercentageTextbox for the percentage column and so we can edit them as percentage value.



        .Datasource(ds => ds.URL("/Home/DataSource").BatchURL("BatchUpdate").Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor))

        .EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding().AllowDeleting().AllowEditing().EditMode(EditMode.Batch); })


        .FilterSettings(filter =>




        .ToolbarSettings(toolbar =>


             . .. . .


        .Columns(col =>



              .. . .

            col.Field("Freight").HeaderText("Freight").EditTemplate(a => { a.Create("create").Read("read").Write("write"); }).Add();





    function create() {

        return $("<input>");//creating a textarea


    function write(args) {//Writing the edited text value

        args.element.ejPercentageTextbox({ value: args.rowdata["Freight"], minValue: 0, decimalPlaces: 2, incrementStep: 1 })


    function read(args) {

        return args.ejPercentageTextbox('getValue'); //Getting the Edited text value



Refer to the following Help Document for different methods of ejGrid.


Seeni Sakthi Kumar S.

JS Jeffrey Stone January 6, 2016 12:58 AM UTC


Thank you for your quick and spot on response! You all do a great job.

I have one follow up question to #1 - which was answered by using  obj.setCellValue(i, "EmployeeID", val)

In one case I am updating a column which uses ForeignKeyField and ForeignKeyValue where the value is a integer identity value. After calling obj.setCellValue I see the numeric values - but, I really want to see the corresponding ForeignKeyValue - once I scroll over view field it update to the correct value. How do I get the lookup value to be displayed?

Regards, Jeff

SS Seeni Sakthi Kumar Seeni Raj Syncfusion Team January 6, 2016 05:30 AM UTC

Hi Jeffrey,

Our current implementation of setCellValue doesn’t support to update the corresponding foriegnKeyField’s value in the Grid cell and logged an improvement task on this. We have created a new support incident under your account to track the improvement task. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Seeni Sakthi Kumar S.

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