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Olap client scrolling group and export (chart and grid)

Hello guys.

In attachment file there is a pic that show a posibility of control.

There is a way to add scrollbar to axis x of chart element?
And can I use some functionality to group labels of axis like on chart in pic.

Other pic in attachment show a error when I try to use export function with "ClientExportMode="ChartAndGrid""
Can you help me with export functionality?

Attachment: ErrorsAndScroll_18faa6d4.zip

1 Reply

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team December 22, 2015 06:24 AM UTC

Hi Krilov,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

Please find our below response.





There is a way to add scrollbar to axis x of chart element?

And can I use some functionality to group labels of axis like on chart in pic.

We have created an incident to log a feature report on behalf of you. Our support engineer will assist you through incident. We request you to follow with the incident for further details.


Other pic in attachment show a error when I try to use export function with "ClientExportMode="ChartAndGrid""

Can you help me with export functionality?

We suspect that the reported problem is occurred due to the script file “canvg.js” is not referred properly. So, we have prepared a simple sample with this script file. Please find the sample in the below link.

Sample Link:  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/121495/ze/OlapClient_ASP-1733042484

Ramesh G.

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