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ZoomGrid doesn't work on GridDataBoundGrid where BrowseOnly is set to true

I put two GridDataBoundGrid grids in SplitContainerAdv. 
On first (left side in SplitContainerAdv) grid I set BrowseOnly property to false and on second (right side in SplitContainerAdv) grid I set BrowseOnly property to true.

I put also StatusStripEx to form and TrackBarItem to control percentage of zoom.

So, when I start app and  move TrackaBarItem right to zoom from 100% to 450%, only left grid which has BrowseOnly property set to false works as expected.

Other grid which has BrowseOnly property set to false, only header rows grows and shrinks but data rows stays same or shrinks but never get bigger.

Is that suppose to work like described?

I attached 3 images so you can see described behavior.


Attachment: Zoom_105717a8.zip

5 Replies

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team December 16, 2015 07:29 AM UTC

Hi Sysnop,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We have prepared a similar sample with two DataBoundGrid, tracker, splitter container and a status strip. We suspect there may be some property difference with your grid. Could you please replicate it with the same code in the below provided sample and update us? So that, it would be easy for us to provide a prompt solution.

Sample : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/121440/ze/WindowsFormsApplication1580117256

Note : And also please let us know the Essential Studio version your using. So, that it would be for us to cross check. Currently we have the latest version “”.


SY SysNop December 16, 2015 12:37 PM UTC

When i start example and try to move position on trackbar, nothing happens. I don't see code fore zoom in it also. 


I am using  SyncfusionEssential Studio version

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team December 17, 2015 09:06 AM UTC

Hi SysNop,

Thank you for your update.

We have checked the zooming functionality with our sample. Please refer the below installed location sample. In this sample also we have used track bar with DataBoundGrid. It is working fine. Hence, we want to know briefly what you have customized in your sample regarding Databoundgrid.

       We have just provided you a minimal sample, please replicate the scenario in any of these  samples and get back to us. So, that it would be easy for us to track the issue and provide a prompt solution.

Sample Location:

<Installed Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\GridDataBound.Windows\Samples\Zoom\Zooming Demo\cs


SY SysNop December 17, 2015 12:39 PM UTC

I took Demo from that location that you provided and only thing I added to that project is  this.gridDataBoundGrid1.BrowseOnly = true.

I added that line of code in Form1() constructor after Initilaizecomponent().

I am sendig exmple it to you so you can see what i am talking aobut. Observer how zoom works wtih BroowseOnly set to true (NOT OK) and when BrowseOnly is set to false (OK).


Attachment: Zooming_Demo_1c951a20.zip

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team December 18, 2015 07:28 AM UTC

Hi SysNop,

Thank you for your update.

We could able to reproduce the reported issue at our end. Please login our direct-trac for further details.



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