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Performance issues with transparency in scatterseries


I am using a ScatterSeries and I need to make my scatter points partially transparent because a lot of them overlap, and it is causing significant performance issues (delays of up to 10 seconds to draw 500 scatter points). Is there a way to accelerate this process or improve this on our end? If not, is there a way to make it so those points are not redrawn everytime some other part of the chart is modified?


1 Reply

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team December 14, 2015 06:33 AM UTC

Hi Jeremie,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

To improve the performance of scatter series, you can use FastScatterBitmapSeries which will reduce the rendering time. Also we can set the opacity for the series, to make series partially transparent as in the below code example.

            <chart:FastScatterBitmapSeries Opacity="0.5" ItemsSource="{Binding SneakersDetail}" XBindingPath="Brand"  YBindingPath="No_Of_Items">             

You can refer the below UG documentation link to know about FastScatterBitmapSeries.



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