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Enable/disable buttons & center text & icon

I have two questions regarding the ribbon control.
 I'm using it with Angular JS. and I really a newbie using both ejribbon & angular.

1.- Can I disable/enabled buttons programmatically?
2.- Is it posible to center text & icon in buttons?

Thank you in advance

3 Replies

KN Kavitha Narayanan Syncfusion Team December 11, 2015 08:37 AM UTC

Hi Antonio,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

: Can I disable/enabled buttons programmatically?

We use disable()/enable() button methods to disable/enabled button in the ribbon control. In which, we get the button object from ribbon control using button id.

Please refer to the code and UG link



$(function () {

            var btnObj = $("#defaultRibbon_new").data("ejButton");// find button object from ribbon control, defaultRibbon is ribbon id and new is group id.

            btnObj.disable();//disable the button

            btnObj.enable(); //enable the button



UG link: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ejbutton#methods:disable 

Query: Is it posible to center text & icon in buttons?

Yes, to align text and icon in center of button, we have enabled e-buttonsettings-text, e-buttonsettings-contenttype, e-buttonsettings-imageposition property in the ribbon control.

Please refer to the code.

<body ng-controller="RibbonCtrl">

<div e-groups>

     <div e-group e-id="new" e-text="New" e-customtooltip-content="<h6>New.<&#47;h6>" e-buttonsettings-text="New1" e-buttonsettings-contenttype="textandimage" e-buttonsettings-imageposition="imagetop" e-buttonsettings-prefixicon="e-ribbon e-new" e-buttonsettings-click="executeAction">




We can customize the button settings in the ribbon control using e-buttonsettings property. Please refer to the UG link and sample.

UG link: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ejbutton 

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/121406/ze/sample-1221719873.zip


Kavitha N.

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 11, 2015 01:34 PM UTC

Thank you

KN Kavitha Narayanan Syncfusion Team December 14, 2015 04:11 AM UTC

Hi Antonio,
Please let us know if you have any query.
Kavitha N.

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