//To add new tabcontrol and raise TabControlAdded event this.tabbedMDIManager1.CreateNewHorizontalGroup(); //This event will be triggered if new TabControl is added. private void tabbedMDIManager1_TabControlAdded(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.TabbedMDITabControlEventArgs args) { MessageBox.Show("TabControl Added"); args.TabControl.ControlAdded += TabControl_ControlAdded; } //This event will be triggered while adding each form into the TabControl void TabControl_ControlAdded(object sender, ControlEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Control added as TapPages in TabControl"); } |
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How to set new theme to all my MDItabbs, Forms and controls within forms to new Theme (manually set colors, styles and etc..)? How to get and set Tabcontrol properties like args.TabControl.TabPanelBackColor, args.TabControl.ActiveTabColor and args.TabControl.InactiveTabColor (manually set colors, styles and etc..)? |
The reported requirement can be achieved by customizing MDITabPanel from the TabGroupHost. Please make use of the below code example. Code Example[C#]:
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How to get and set Form properties for each form/tab to new Theme (manually set colors, styles and etc..)? |
The TabbedMDIManager’s MDIChildren property is used to get a list of MDIChildren present in MDIContainer form's. Please make use of below code example. Code Example[C#]:
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How to get and set controls properties on each form/tab to new Theme (manually set colors, styles and etc..)? |
The reported requirement can be achived by using the below code example. Code Example[C#]: