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cascading on drop down List


I've these tables with this structure:

Table System

ID int
Name nvarchar

Table Campaign

ID int
IdSystem int
Name nvarchar

I want two dropdownlist in with these data in cascading, the problem is: For doing cascading I need rename the ID of System Table to IdSystem, Then cascading works fine, but I can't do it. So:

How can I do cascading with my relationship?


1 Reply

AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team November 19, 2015 05:38 PM UTC

Hi Manolo,
Thanks for the update,
Query:” I want two dropdownlist in with these data in cascading, the problem is: For doing cascading I need rename the ID of System Table to IdSystem ,hen cascading works fine, but I can't do it. So: How can I do cascading with my relationship?”
In our Dropdown we have set  one column as the foreign key and if that corresponding foreign key column matches the column in other table then the cascading operation will be done. It will be given in the DataValueField property and if the value matches, then cascading works . Therefore you need to rename the ID to IdSystem. So your Query is not possible as the behavior of the DropdownList is like that.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Arun P

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