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How to focus, scroll to, and select a sub treeview item programmatically?

How do I programmatically scroll to and select a subitem of an item of a treeviewadv?  subitem.IsSelected = true doesn't do anything.

Many thanks.

1 Reply

BA Berkunath A Syncfusion Team November 10, 2015 08:30 AM UTC

Hi Laura,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We can select the SubItem of TreeViewItemAdv by setting IsSelected as True. We can scroll the TreeViewAdv by invoke ScrollToBottom, ScrollToTop or ScrollToVerticalOffset method with required offset of scrollbar. We can fetch the Scrollbar from the Template of TreeViewAdv. We have prepared the sample that tries to meet your requirement and you can download the sample from the following link.

Sample Link: TreeViewAdvsample

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Berkunath A

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