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Setting LabelFontSize

I try to increase LabelFontSize of a scale but the size of the Label does not change.

Here is my code:

SfCircularGauge circularGauge = new SfCircularGauge();

Scale scale = new Scale();

scale.StartValue = 0;

scale.EndValue = 100;

scale.Interval =10;

scale.StartAngle = 135;

scale.SweepAngle = 270;

scale.RimThickness = 20;

scale.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#FB0101");

scale.MinorTicksPerInterval = 3;

scale.LabelFontSize = 20;

NeedlePointer needlePointer = new NeedlePointer();

needlePointer.Color = Color.White;

needlePointer.KnobColor = Color.White;

needlePointer.Thickness = 5;

needlePointer.KnobRadius = 20;

needlePointer.LengthFactor = 0.8;

needlePointer.SetBinding(NeedlePointer.ValueProperty, "Value");


RangePointer rangePointer = new RangePointer();

rangePointer.Value = 60;

rangePointer.Color = Color.FromHex("#FFA9A9A9");

rangePointer.Thickness = 20;

rangePointer.SetBinding(RangePointer.ValueProperty, "Value");


2 Replies

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team October 30, 2015 05:54 AM UTC

Hi Jens,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We have created a support incident under your account to track the status of this issue. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.



Please let us know, if you have any query.

Nijamudeen M.

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team October 30, 2015 06:35 AM UTC

Hi Jens,

We considered the requirement “LabelFontSize is not working” as a bug. We have logged a report on this and will fix the issue internally, also the fix will be included in Vol3 Service Pack 2, which has been scheduled to be rolled out by the end of November.

We have also created an incident internally to have a follow up with this issue.

Please let us know, if you have any query.


Nijamudeen M.

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