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Difficulties while using ejFileExplorer

Hello, the company I work for have purchased the JavaScript version of your product, and now we are trying to use the ejFileExplorer.

The images relating to the question are enclosed with this post.

Currently, I am facing two different problems:

Firstly, it is the translation issue. Since the company I work for is located in Korea, I need to change the English text in the upload box into Korean. Would this be possible? the question is explained in the image name "1.png"

Secondly, if I upload the image, then would it possible to get the information of the image by clicking the uploaded icon? The question is explained in the image named "2.png"

Thank you very much, and my company is really making good use of your product.

Attachment: 20151029SyncQuestion_af5f80e3.zip

1 Reply

BP Balamurugan P Syncfusion Team October 29, 2015 07:33 AM UTC

Hi Maverickjin,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

Query 1: problem in localization of upload box text

You can apply the localization for upload box by using “UploadSettings” property available in “ej.FileExplorer.Locale[“es-ES”]”. Please refer to the code block in our online demohttp://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/fileexplorer/localization . 

Inbuilt localization support for the upload dialog in “FileExplorer” component is available from the version If you are using older version before, you have to separately specify the localization for upload box dialog as mentioned below.

Code example [JavaScript]:

ej.Uploadbox.Locale[“es-ES”] = {

            buttonText: {

                upload: "Subir",

                browse: "Explorar",

                cancel: "cancelar"


            dialogText: {

                title: "Subir Box",

                name: "nombre",

                size: "tamaño",

                status: "estado"



Query 2: if I upload the image, then would it possible to get the information of the image by clicking the uploaded icon? 

You can achieve your requirement using “select” event of the file explorer. This event will be triggered, when you select a file or folder in the file explorer.  In this “select” event, you will get the selected item details and these details will be helpful to you. Please refer to below code example.

Code example [JavaScript]:


            path: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/ODataServices/FileBrowser/",

                            // From version, we use below path for “ajaxAction” API


            select: "onSelect"


function onSelect(args) {

            // Here you will get some necessary details about selected file like args.name, args.path, args. selectedItems (It contains selected file details (name, size, modified date, etc..)



To know more about APIs of the file explorer, please refer to our online document link, http://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ejfileexplorer 

Balamurugan P

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