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Custom Summary in function of field value


I want show a summary in function of a field status value. For example in the next image:

The summary TotalOpen must summarize the values when status is open and TotalClose must summarize the values when status is close.

I attach this example project


Attachment: stackedHeader_92da7bef.zip

7 Replies

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team October 29, 2015 10:40 AM UTC

Hi Manolo,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

We have modified your sample with custom summary function for calculating sum and average based on open and close status and the same can be downloaded from the following link,


In the above sample, we have set SummaryType as “CustomSummary” and summarized the open and close status data alone for TotalOpen and TotalClose summary field respectively.

Refer to the below code example,

<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">


        <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" ShowSummary="true" >
. . . .
. . . .

<ej:SummaryRow Title="Total Open">


                           <ej:SummaryColumn SummaryType="Custom" CustomSummaryValue="sumOpen" DisplayColumn="Freight"

                            Format="{0:C2}" />

. . . .




                <ej:SummaryRow Title="Total Close">


                        <ej:SummaryColumn SummaryType="Custom" CustomSummaryValue="sumClose" Format="{0:C}" DisplayColumn="Freight" DataMember="Freight" />

. . . .




<script type="text/javascript">

        var data = [],data1=[];

//Custom summary function sumOpen

        function sumOpen(summaryCol, summaryValue)


           var data = getOpenData(summaryValue);

//sum the data

           return ej.sum(data, summaryCol.displayColumn);



//Getting open status data for summarize

        function getOpenData(summaryvalue)


            var j = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < summaryvalue.length; i++) {


                if (summaryvalue[i].Status == "open") {

                    data[j] = summaryvalue[i];




            return data;


//Custom summary function sumClose

        function sumClose(summaryCol, summaryValue) {

            var data = getCloseData(summaryValue);

            return ej.sum(data, summaryCol.displayColumn);

//Getting close status data for summarize

function getCloseData(summaryvalue)


            for (var i = 0; i < summaryvalue.length; i++) {

                if (summaryvalue[i].Status == "close")

                    data1[i] = summaryvalue[i];


            return data1;





Gowthami V.

MA Manolo October 29, 2015 12:02 PM UTC


Thank you very much! It works  perfectly.

But... if I want export to excel this grid, the custom summaries  exports is not calculate and the cell value is the name function.

Can I export to excel with the result value?

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team October 30, 2015 12:52 PM UTC

Hi Manolo,

We have created a new support incident for the issue Need to provide support for calling QueryCellInfo event for Custom Summary cell under your account to track the status of this issue. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Gowthami V.

MA Manolo October 30, 2015 01:00 PM UTC

Thank you

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team November 2, 2015 10:38 AM UTC

Hi Manolo,
Please follw up the incident which is created under your account for further assistance.
Thanks & Regards,
Gowthami V.

PC Pierre Custeau November 1, 2017 02:06 AM UTC

Was this issue ever solved? I'm having to remove custom summary columns / rows in my server code otherwise exporting to excel (when the dataset is passed from client) will fail with an error. Here is the mod I have applied on the server as a temporary fix (ASP.Net core 1.1):

        private GridProperties ConvertGridObject(string gridProperty)


            GridProperties gridProp = new GridProperties();

            gridProp = (GridProperties)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(gridProperty, typeof(GridProperties));

            //bug with custom summary types we need to pull them out

            foreach (var summaryRow in gridProp.SummaryRows)                


                summaryRow.SummaryColumns.RemoveAll(s => s.SummaryType == Syncfusion.JavaScript.SummaryType.Custom);


            return gridProp;


Shouldn't calculated summary values be simply passed as is to the server for inclusion in the Excel document ?


MS Mani Sankar Durai Syncfusion Team November 1, 2017 12:29 PM UTC

Hi Pierre, 

We have analyzed your query and we found that you want to export the grid with custom summary value in grid. But due to exception thrown you have removed the customer summary row while exporting. We can export the grid with custom summary using the below code example 

public ActionResult ExportToExcel(string GridModel) 
            ExcelExport exp = new ExcelExport(); 
            var DataSource = orders; 
            GridProperties gridProp = ConvertGridObject(GridModel); 
            GridExcelExport excelExp = new GridExcelExport(); 
            excelExp.QueryCustomSummaryInfo = QueryCellInfo;   //with the server side event QueryCustomeSummaryInfo 
            excelExp.FileName = "Export.xlsx"; excelExp.Excelversion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010; 
            excelExp.Theme = "flat-saffron"; 
            return exp.Export(gridProp, DataSource, excelExp); 
        public object QueryCellInfo(IQueryable Items, SummaryColumn col) 
             IQueryable data = GetData().Where(c => c.EmployeeID == 2).AsQueryable(); 
             var elementType = data.ElementType; 
//Calculating average of Freight field and convert it to decimal 
            var items = Convert.ToDecimal(data.Average("Freight", elementType)); 
            //Calculating sum of Freight field and convert it to decimal 
            var items1 = Convert.ToDecimal(data.Sum("Freight", elementType)); 
            return items1; 
We have also prepared a sample that can be downloaded from the below link 
Please let us know if you need further assistance. 
Manisankar Durai. 

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