I dont know if you are still supporting this product, but I would really appreciate your help. I'm working with CalcQuick in a project, and I'm having some trouble tryng to set a separator argument. All the functions that require more than one argument returns a "Input string was not in a correct format" message error or not return a valid value. I guess it's something related with regional options , but I already change regional options to ENG-US, and the problem persists.
static void Main(string[] args)
CalcQuick calc = new CalcQuick();
calc["Argument1"] = "5";
calc["Argument2"] = "3";
calc["Operation"] = "=SIN([Argument1])";
calc["Operation2"] = "=SUM([Argument1], [Argument2])";
string operation = calc["Operation"]; //This works fine
string operation2 = calc["Operation2"]; //This give me "Input string was not in a correct format" error
Any help would be appreciate...
Visual Studio 2013
Syncfusion Essential Studio 4.2.60
Windows 10 Home
I attached a project sample