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CalcQuick arguments separator


I dont know if you are still supporting this product, but I would really appreciate your help. I'm working with CalcQuick in a project, and I'm having some trouble tryng to set a separator argument. All the functions that require more than one argument returns a "Input string was not in a correct format" message error or not return a valid value.  I guess it's something related with regional options , but I already change regional options to ENG-US, and the problem persists.

  static void Main(string[] args)
            CalcQuick calc = new CalcQuick();            
            calc["Argument1"] = "5";
            calc["Argument2"] = "3";         
            calc["Operation"] = "=SIN([Argument1])";
            calc["Operation2"] = "=SUM([Argument1], [Argument2])";
            string operation = calc["Operation"]; //This works fine
            string operation2 = calc["Operation2"]; //This give me "Input string was not in a correct format" error

Any help would be appreciate...

Visual Studio 2013
Syncfusion Essential Studio 4.2.60
Windows 10 Home

I attached a project sample

Attachment: Args_Separator_Test_39e2b63c.rar

1 Reply

AK Adhikesevan Kothandaraman Syncfusion Team September 4, 2015 09:12 AM UTC

HI Jorge,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We analyzed your reported query at our end. To set the argument separator for the regional language, which can be achieved by setting the ParseArgumentSeperator value as desired character. Please refer to the below code example,

Code Example:

//Set the Argument and Decimal separator

CalcEngine.ParseArgumentSeparator = ',';
CalcEngine.ParseDecimalSeparator = '.';

Please refer to  the below Forum for setting the ParseArgumentSeperator in the regional language.

Forum Link:


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