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Javascript component with .NET dependence

I had a question for the pivot grid (https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/119849/drag-drop-from-fieldlist-to-pivotgrid-grouping-bar) and Alagarsamy from Syncfusion answered my question very well.
But the code sample he provided had a .NET / C# dependence. That made me a little bit confused.

We are evaluating JavaScript olap/pivot grid components for embedding into Vaadin code. Therefor it really has to be only JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS Code with no dependences to another server or language. Now, is it possible to do that and to use the Essential Studio for JavaScript with Eclipse etc. only?

3 Replies

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team August 11, 2015 12:46 PM UTC

Hi Sebastian,

We have already logged this as a feature task for our PivotGrid – “PivotGrid as pure client-side component” in our database and it is currently in analysis and design phase. We will let you know once the complete implementation is done.

Ramesh. G

SP Sebastian Penhouet June 29, 2016 02:06 PM UTC

Hi Ramesh,

i didn't heard back from you since August 11, 2015. Does that mean that the PivotGrid still has a .NET dependence and that you didn't (at least not yet) finished the "PivotGrid as pure client-side component" feature task?

Looking forward to hear back from you.

Sebastian Penhouet

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team June 30, 2016 08:55 AM UTC

Hi Sebastian,   
We are sorry for not letting you know earlier.   
We have implemented PivotGrid as a pure client-side component. So, kindly upgrade the Syncfusion Essential Studio to use this feature. Please find the below link to download the latest version v14.2.0.26 of Syncfusion Essential Studio.   
Please find the UG documentation and online demo for client-side PivotGrid in the following links.   
Ramesh G.  

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