Hi Alagarsamy,
thank you for your reply.
Currently i was just suprised that this doesn't work in the demo (
http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/pivotgrid/groupingbar). I didn't work with your real code yet (still evaluating).
I downloaded the zip you provided but couldn't get it to work right away.
Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2010 Professional) said it's not compatible.
Then i made a new Projekt in Eclipse (Java EE Kepler), added your folders and files and tried to run it on a Tomcat 7.0 Server. Just showed two scroll bars on the screen.
PS, it really made me smile reading the 57 TODO comments in your code like:
- "this is too naive, make it better"
- "This seems broken"
- My favourite: "What's going on here?"
- "What's that good for?"