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Maximum number of charts that can be drawn on single Chart Control

Hi Support,

Could you please confirm whether multiple charts(of different types) can be drawn on same Chart control or not.
Please explain in detail possibly with the help of sample code.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

VA Vinothkumar Arumugam Syncfusion Team July 30, 2015 01:32 PM UTC

Hi Shubham,
We have analyzed this. You can easily add multiple chart series in Same chart. We have prepared following four series in the same chart. Find the following code snippet to achieve this.
Code Snippet[WF]:

·         We have Created four series as below.

//Create multible chart as follows

ChartSeries series0 = new ChartSeries();

ChartSeries series1 = new ChartSeries();

ChartSeries series2 = new ChartSeries();

ChartSeries series3=new ChartSeries();

·         Adding data to the series as below.

//Add the data for the series as follows

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


     for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)



             series0.Points.Add(j, yValue.Next(0,10));


             series1.Points.Add(j, yValue.Next(15,30));


             series2.Points.Add(j, yValue.Next(30,50));


             series3.Points.Add(j, yValue.Next(60,70));



·         Add the series type as below

//Add the series types as follows

series0.Type = ChartSeriesType.Line;

series1.Type = ChartSeriesType.Column;

series2.Type = ChartSeriesType.Scatter;

series3.Type = ChartSeriesType.Bubble;

·         HiloOpen charts, Bar charts , Pie Charts cannot combin with other charts.
We have made a sample for this. Find the below link for downloading the sample.
Sample link:
Screen Shot of the attached sample;

Please let us know if you have any concern.
Vinothkumar Arumugam.

VA Vinothkumar Arumugam Syncfusion Team July 30, 2015 01:38 PM UTC

Hi Shubham,
Please find below sample link to download the sample.
Sample Link:


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