Dictionary<string, object> Commands = new Dictionary<string, object>()
//clone command
//command name
//command definition
new Command()
//Name of the method/command handler that is defined in scripts
Execute = "copyObject",
//Gesture to define when the command is to be executed
Gesture = new Gesture()
//Combination of keys and modifier keys
Key = Keys.C, KeyModifiers = KeyModifiers.Control
//command name
//command definition
new Command()
//Name of the method/command handler that is defined in scripts
Execute = "pasteObject",
//Gesture to define when the command is to be executed
Gesture = new Gesture()
//Combination of keys and modifier keys
Key = Keys.V, KeyModifiers = KeyModifiers.Control
DiagramContent.CommandManager.Commands = Commands;
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G