i have this code for column
<syncfusion:GridNumericColumn MappingName="FQ_02733" HeaderText="Spotřeba plynu 2733" TextAlignment="Right" NumberDecimalDigits="2" NumberDecimalSeparator=",">
<TextBlock x:Name="Grid_FQ_02733" Text="{TemplateBinding Content}">
<MenuItem Header="Změnit název" Click="MenuItem_ChangeValue" />
I initiate data to data grid after click on button, by default is table empty. At start application i change column header text programmatically from user settings (user can rename column header).
And here is problem, by clicking to load data and initiate data source. After set items source change data grid head text to default value. I don't understand why, because text in column header has been already changed programmatically from user settings.
Thans for help :-)