Hi Thomas,
Thank you for using Syncfusion products.
We would like to let you know that, this reported
requirement can be achieved by using Splits configuration in EditControl.
Please find the detailed explanation below.
In EditControl, its content will be split based on Special
For example:
If the content is given as “this.EditControl1”, then it will
be split and considered as 3 individual words.
1) this
2) .
3) EditControl1
For this case, Splits concept in EditControl can be used to
combine desired contents as common one, “this.EditControl1” as a word. We
request you to refer with the below code snippet.
Code Snippet: [C#]
combine special character with the keyword--> <split>.class</split>
Once, if “.public” is loaded in EditControl, public will not
be highlighted as keyword. As like this, user will be able to create splits
word based on the user requirement. We have also prepared a screen shot and
sample by considering “public” and “class” keywords for your reference and it
can be downloaded from the below location.
Screen shot:
Sample Location: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/119331/ze/EditControl_KeywordSplit1504159238
We request you to check with above solution and let us know
if it helps.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance,
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for your update.
Yes, In EditControl, custom configuration settings need to
be initialized before loading its contents. Hence, if end user like to update
this settings dynamically, it will be needed to re-apply the configuration once
changes are done, by using its function named ApplyConfiguration. Please make
use of below code snippet for your reference.
Code Snippet: [C#]
// To re-apply the
configuration this.editControl1.ApplyConfiguration(this.editControl1.Language); |
We have also prepared sample for your requirement and it can
be downloaded from below location.
Sample Location: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/119331/ze/EditControl_Modified-1557382824
Please let us know if you need any further assistance,