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Column date format and locale not being applied to excel filter datepicker and input


I'm setting ejGrid to "pt-BR" locale and everything is ok (translated and currency symbol), except the date filter.

When choosing a date in excel filter the format * applied in input is "MM/dd/YYYY" and literals on datepicker was not translated too.

Another thing I realized is that custom filters (in numbers columns for example) are not working properly when setting grid locale to "pt-BR".

* pt-BR date format is dd/MM/yyyy

ej.ExcelFilter.locale["pt-BR"] = {
    SortNoSmaller: "Ordenar do Menor para o Maior",
    SortNoLarger: "Ordenar do Maior para o Menor",
    SortTextAscending: "Ordenar de A para Z",
    SortTextDescending: "Ordenar de Z para A",
    SortDateOldest: "Ordenar pelo mais Antigo",
    SortDateNewest:"Ordenar pelo mais Novo",
    ClearFilter: "Limpar Filtro",
    NumberFilter: "Filtros de Número",
    TextFilter: "Filtros de Texto",
    DateFilter: "Filtros de Data",
    StringMenuOptions: [{ text: "Igual a", value: "equal" }, { text: "Diferente de", value: "notequal" }, { text: "Começa com", value: "startswith" }, { text: "Termina com", value: "endswith" }, { text: "Contém", value: "contains" }, { text: "Personalizar Filtro", value: "customfilter" }],
    NumberMenuOptions: [{ text: "Igual a", value: "equal" }, { text: "Diferente de", value: "notequal" }, { text: "Menor que", value: "lessthan" }, { text: "Menor ou igual a", value: "lessthanorequal" }, { text: "Maior que", value: "greaterthan" }, { text: "Maior ou igual a", value: "greaterthanorequal" }, { text: "Entre", value: "between" }, { text: "Personalizar Filtro", value: "customfilter" }],
    DateMenuOptions: [{ text: "Igual a", value: "equal" }, { text: "Diferente de", value: "notequal" }, { text: "Menor que", value: "lessthan" }, { text: "Menor ou igual a", value: "lessthanorequal" }, { text: "Maior que", value: "greaterthan" }, { text: "Maior ou igual a", value: "greaterthanorequal" }, { text: "Entre", value: "between" }, { text: "Personalizar Filtro", value: "customfilter" }],
    Top10MenuOptions: [{ text: "10 Primeiros", value: "top" }, { text: "Últimos 10", value: "bottom" }],
    title:"Personalizar Filtro",
    PredicateAnd: "E",
    PredicateOr: "OU",
    Ok: "OK",
    MatchCase: "Diferenciar maiúsculo de minúsculo",
    Cancel: "Cancelar",
    NoResult: "Nenhum registro encontrado",
    CheckBoxStatusMsg: "Mostrando somente alguns registros",
    DatePickerWaterMark: "Selecione uma data",
    True: "sim",
    False: "não"
                dataSource: @Html.Raw(@Model.ToJson()),
                allowPaging: true,
                allowFiltering: true,
                filterSettings: {filterType:"excel"},
                showColumnChooser: true,
                allowScrolling: true,
                scrollSettings: { width: "100%" },
                locale: "pt-BR",
                isResponsive: true,
                columns: [
                    { field: "Nome", headerText: "Nome do Proprietário", width: 200, isFrozen: true },
                    { field: "Ativo", headerText: "Ativo", width: 200 },
                    { field: "Preco", headerText: "Preço", width: 200, format: "{0:c2}" },
                    { field: "Idade", headerText: "Idade", width: 200 },
                    { field: "Data", headerText: "Data Nasc.", width: 200, format: "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" }

1 Reply

SR Sellappandi Ramu Syncfusion Team May 18, 2015 01:55 PM UTC

Hi Oswaldo,

We considered this requirement “Date format not set to excel filter and Custom filter is not working properly when set the locale to grid” as bug and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Sellappandi R

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