Ideally I want to set the background colour of the face, i.e. the bit inside the main scale.
I've not figured a way of doing this so I've resorted to putting an ellipse in behind it. On the page I'm using as a test this works fine and it's all sitting inside a Grid.
However I'm using the gauge as a Style, which has dependency properties backing some of the values, which is referenced via a DataTemplate as part of a an ItemsControl control. Sounds convoluted, but I've been led to believe this is the best way for what I'm trying to do. But as soon as I display the gauge then the relationship is lost between the location of the ellipse and the location of the gauge.
So I tried putting the gauge and ellipse inside a canvas, so it would keep this relationship, but as soon as I do that the I get an error in the XAML designer: TypeLoadException: Could not find Windows Runtime type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RelativeSource'.
Can the control not sit in a Canvas? or ViewBox?
Even on a new, blank app, as soon as I do this it errors out. Is there a way around this?