any update for this ???
I have seen the last reply was for 2017
wondering if new released can help me ?
if yes
would you mind to let me know if there is any chance to rotate cell text in pdfgrid with our using Graphics.RotateTransform
I have following code::
for (int j = 0; j < dsourceII.Rows.Count; j++)
Main2dGrid.Headers[0].Cells[j+1].Value = dsourceII.Rows[j][1].ToString();
Main2dGrid.Headers[0].Cells[0].Value = "";
Main2dGrid.Headers[0].Cells[Main2dGrid.Columns.Count-1].Value = "";
foreach (PdfGridCell Cell in Main2dGrid.Headers[0].Cells)
/// here I need to rotate all the cell value in Header[0] but not my grid
Cell.StringFormat = STRINGformatRight;
Cell.Style.Font = Tahoma;
Cell.Style.Borders.All = PENWhite;