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remove horizontal pdf grid border and change background color

I have a pdf document that i am creating using pdf grid and pdf grid row

the document has 20 pdf grid rows

row 1, 2 , 3 has 3 columns and data is placed in them either left or right justified.  I want to remove the top and bottom border and have the 3 grid rows to have a Yellow back ground color. I have not been able to remove the horizontal borders to make it look like a big header grid.

The other rows have 3 columns and i want to remove the top/bottom border on certain rows.

1 Reply

AS Abirami Selvan Syncfusion Team April 7, 2015 01:01 PM UTC

Hi Jb,


Thank you for using Syncfusion product.


We can set the background color using style.BackgroundBrush property and text can be justified in cell using PdfStringFormat.Alignment .


Please refer the below code snippet:

//String format

PdfStringFormat format=new PdfStringFormat();


//Alignment the text to right



//Apply the background to the first 3 rows

pdfGrid.Rows[i].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Yellow;


//Assign the format to particular cells

pdfGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j].StringFormat = format;


//Remove the bottom border for previous row

pdfGrid.Rows[i - 1].Cells[j].Style.Borders.Bottom = PdfPens.Transparent;


//Remove the top border from  row

pdfGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j].Style.Borders.Top = PdfPens.Transparent;



We have attached the sample for removing the grid row top/bottom borders in below link:



Please try this and let us know if you have any further assistance .




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